COVID-19 Announcement: Orange Ointment and Blue Balm are great for respiratory issues when applied to chest!


Spotlight on Lavender (and Peppermint)

Spotlight on Lavender (and Peppermint)

Essential Oils for Lower Back Pain

Essential Oils for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most frequently occurring health conditions that can affect you at any point in your lifetime. Backaches are common t...
Top Natural Remedies for Joint Pain, Osteoarthritis, Bursitis and Tennis Elbow

Top Natural Remedies for Joint Pain, Osteoarthritis, Bursitis and Tennis Elbow

Applying creams or ointments containing Dead Sea minerals achieves twin objectives. Firstly, it replenishes the body’s mineral levels, including calcium and magnesium, which make the bones stronger and alleviate the effects of bone diseases. Secondly, low magnesium levels affect the tissue repletion and repair process.
Blue Balm

Blue Balm

It is the dynamite combination of all of these essential oils, Dead Sea Water, and many more herbal oils that have a proven track record against injuries and pain. These components work together to create a highly effective cream that soothes muscles, tendons, and joints, while promoting the healing process from the inside.

A quick application of Blue Balm after an injury provides instant pain relief, and accelerates the healing process, which is why athletes from around the world trust Blue Balm.

TerraCure Orange Ointment Container

Orange Ointment - the Natural Cure for Chronic Pain

TerraCure’s Orange Ointment is a huge milestone in the fight against chronic lower back pain. It combines the medicinal benefits of 25+ powerful minerals extracted from the Dead Sea water, essential oils, herbal oils, plant extracts, and algae extracts to create a powerful cream that delivers superb results against chronic pain. Here’s how. 
Healthy Muscle Mass with Copper

Healthy Muscle Mass with Copper

Copper has great value - much more than a penny's worth, despite its heavy density in hard materials and factory produced products like currency or even ethnic jewelry in many countries. Your skin and body's well-being are crucial to you feeling fresh and healthy overall, and copper's healing and nurturing benefits to your system are both important and offer a glow and shine that's visible with the proper dosage applied externally or via oral intake in natural products