Directions for Use
For optimal results follow these directions when using any of the TerraCure natural creams for back and joint pain:
Important: TerraCure creams do not contain any medications or painkillers. All the creams are based on a high concentration of minerals from the Dead Sea in addition to a high concentration of essential oils. This combination of minerals and essential oils add special strength to the creams. The better the creams penetrate the skin into the body, the better the body will function and the more quickly the pain will lessen. The creams are treatment creams. Be consistent in their use and they will work faster for you!
How We Recommend Using TerraCure Creams and Where to Apply?
When the pain is in the lower back (even if it radiates down the leg) apply the creams from the tailbone upwards – 20 centimeters, and along the entire width of the back (the lower third of the back, in the area of the affected discs). It is not necessary to apply to the leg.
If the problem area is the knees, apply the creams to the upper part of the knee (on the kneecap) and all the way around to the back of the knee, above the kneecap about 5 centimeters, till 5 centimeters below the kneecap (altogether about 15 centimeters).
If the pain is in the shoulders or the neck, radiating down to the elbow or the fingers, please contact us and we will be happy to advise how to best use the creams (we have a special bundle for the neck area).
How to Apply?
Take a small amount (the size of a pea or chickpea) and apply to the entire area, while massaging very gently for about 30 seconds, until the area is completely dry. If the area is not dry – you used too much cream. The goal of this "massage" is just to get the cream to penetrate the cream and not a real massage. After the cream has penetrated the skin the healthy ingredients reach the core of the problem.
When to Apply?
We recommend applying as follows:
At night, before sleep – Red Rub or Terra Derma (the red creams).
In the morning, after waking – Orange Ointment or Knee Knockout.
During the day – Blue Balm or Blue Turbo. When treating the knees add in Terra Spitfire or Knee Knockout once a day. It is best to add this in after the first few days of starting treatment.
For people who are suffering from Fibromyalgia, Osteoporosis, Arthritis and autoimmune diseases or people who are elderly and have trouble functioning on a daily basis we highly recommend applying Terra Spitfire and Terra Post-Co to the entire back, and this may increase your quality of life and level of daily functioning, considerably.
How Does it Work?
The Red creams (Red Rub and Terra Derma) focus on inflammation.
The Orange creams (Orange Ointment and Knee Knockout) are general creams that address inflammation, muscles and nerves and also increase blood circulation.
The blue creams (Blue Balm and Blue Turbo) stop muscle spasms and release taut muscles. They also address and help "wear and tear" problems with cartilage (or "no cartilage") in the knees and the verterbrae in the back.
In the first phase the inflammation is decreased by the Red Rub or Terra Derma. In the second phase the Orange Ointment (or Knee Knockout) increases the blood circulation to the area which decreases inflammation and prevents further inflammation. In the third phase Blue Balm or Blue Turbo reduces the tension and burden on the muscles, tendons and cartilage, thereby neutralizing the main cause of the wear and tear on the cartilage. The cartilage is worn down because of a lack of lubrication in the knee joint (lubrication which enables the joint's proper functioning).
The creams help the body to neutralize the problem and function better.
All three creams complement each other and you need all three for the treatment to succeed (for complicated problems and very strong pain we always recommend ordering a set of 5 creams which includes Terra Spitfire and Terra Post-Co).
For knees, Knee Knockout and/or Terra Spitfire contribute to and "boost" the action of the basic 3 creams. They are good for knee issues thanks to a high concentration of essential oils that treat cartilage.
Be consistent with the creams even when you are not having pain and do NOT wait for the pain. When there is no pain about 50% of the problem still exists in the body and it is highly recommended to continue the treatment.
If you are in the throes of a difficult "attack" of pain it is worthwhile to use the creams even every hour in the first few days of treatment. This way you can usually see improvement in the first day! You can also use plastic wrap on the area to increase the effectiveness of the creams.
Caution: Do not apply the creams to the face. Avoid contact with eyes and wash well if it gets in your eye. Not for use in pregnant women and small children. If there is an allergy to one or more of the ingredients, discontinue use.
If you feel that you are not seeing good enough results while treating, please contact us by phone or Whatsapp +1(516)259-3169 an we will be happy to help. (Bear in mind that Israel is 7 hours ahead of the U.S.)
Additional Uses for the Creams
Blue Turbo and Terra Post-Co – These creams are useful if you are suffering from Long Haul Covid symptoms, including respiratory issues, neurological symptoms like electrical currents in the extremities, muscle pain, weakness, dizziness etc. You can apply either one of these creams to your ENTIRE back. They will increase the circulation, improve your breathing and help remove extra fluids and toxins from the body. It is recommended to use the Terra Post-Co or Blue Turbo once a week. It is also recommended to add in the Terra Spitfire once a week on the entire back.
Terra Spitfire is a very anti-inflammatory cream which is excellent for increasing the blood circulation This cream is recommended for autoimmune problems such as Fybromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis and body-wide inflammation. It is appropriate also for post Covid and post-vaccine symptoms. We recommend using Terra Spitfire on the entire back once or twice weekly. We also recommend adding in the Terra Post-Co once a week.
Terra Calm is a cream for using on the entire back as well. It is especially calming and meant for people who are suffering from anxiety and/or trauma, which contribute to back and knee pain This cream is not included in the basic bundle but if you think that tension is contributing to your pain it is worthwhile talking to us to determine if can help you bring down the tension levels. The secret of Terra Calm is the high concentration of citrus oils which area very calming.
Terra Derma is an anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal cream. This cream is based on the Red Rub with an increased amount of anti-fungal and anti-bacterial essential oils.
Comment: TerraCure creams are very beneficial for circulation problems with the veins, Fybromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Plantar Fascitis, respiratory problems, skin issues such as Seborrhea, Psoriasis, Eczema, itchy skin, dryness and fungus. Do not hesitate to consult with us in order to establish how to best use the creams for these issues as well.
Just Some Quick Tips for Using TerraCure Creams
Congratulations. You have ordered a set of creams that is truly different than anything you have ever tried. The creams are very high quality and they work if you follow the directions. In addition to helping pain they are also effective for the following issues:
Dry, Itchy Feet and Athlete's Foot
Use the Terra Derma or Red Rub on dry, scaly feet with or without cracks. It should smooth them out and take care of athlete's foot.
The Blue Balm, Blue Turbo and Terra Post-Co moisturize and is also great for itchy feet (thanks to the Lavender and Peppermint essential oils)
Colds and Congestion
Apply Red Rub or Terra Post-Co to chest and back when congested.
Back and Joint Pain
Apply Red Rub and Orange Ointment liberally. You can alternate use (Orange in the morning and Red at night. Apply them as often as needed. Some people use the creams 4-6 times a day. The more you use them the more they are likely to help. As the pain subsides you can cut down.
Tense Muscles and Muscle Spasms
Blue Balm is a wonderful first aid cream for all muscle pains. Great for athletes.
Psoriasis, Eczema, Seborrhea, Bad Itch
Red Rub, Terra Derma, Orange Ointment and Blue Balm have all been found to be helpful for bad skin problems. Use whichever one you like best!
Warning: Due to the high salt content it is not a good idea to use the creams on the face (it could burn). Don’t store the creams in a hot place (such as your car, in the summer) and don’t mix them together before applying to the skin as this can ruin them. However you can apply one cream on top of another to enjoy the effects of the various essential oils. Do NOT apply to open wounds as it could really burn (think lots of salt).
Important: TerraCure creams are not pharmaceuticals and they do not contain painkillers. Do not expect to apply them once and find total relief. It is necessary to use them daily, consistently. They must be massaged in well to be effective. If you are consistent AND persistent, you will see good results.
We at TerraCure would like to encourage you to contact our Customer Support with any questions or comments you may have. You can reach us at, Tel: +1 (516)259-3169 (Don't forget we are in Israel – GMT +2). Our mailing address is 10/5 Sde Hemed, Modiin Ilit, Israel.