COVID-19 Announcement: Orange Ointment and Blue Balm are great for respiratory issues when applied to chest!


Spotlight on Lavender (and Peppermint)

Spotlight on Lavender (and Peppermint)

Essential Oils for Lower Back Pain

Essential Oils for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most frequently occurring health conditions that can affect you at any point in your lifetime. Backaches are common t...
Relief from a Herniated Disc

Relief from a Herniated Disc

Pain relievers are good for temporary relief, but what they need is a disc remedy that does not just mask the problem, but also improves their condition. There are many, actually.

In fact, for people who are looking for a natural remedy for herniated disc, there are plenty of options. A lot of people prefer these solutions because they are non-invasive and rather gentle on the body. So, let’s check out some natural remedies.

Man with lower back pain

Herbal Essential Oils for Lower Back Pain that Won't Go

Herbal oils are a non-invasive and natural remedy for herniated disc. In particular, thyme oil, pine oil and rosemary oil can help with the chronic pain resulting from herniated discs. But, how do they do that?

Let’s start with thyme oil, the one with anti-inflammatory properties. The oil gets absorbed into the skin quickly and helps provide a lasting relief from the pain. 

Back Pain Remedy

Back Pain Remedy

It is totally understandable that often, patients seek alternative routes to solving their back pain. Some try chiropractic, where the chiropractor manipulates the spine and other body parts. This can be a great pain reliever but often it only gives relief for a very limited amount of time (days or in a good case – weeks). Some people swear by acupuncture, which is supposed to be wonderful for back pain. Unfortunately, it doesn't always help and many people are just averse to having needles stuck in them. Yoga is a terrific method for reducing pain in the back and there are many yoga stretch video clips available online that can help people reduce their pain in a healthful and natural way.